Ha’Penny Irish Rhubarb Gin (40% abv)
Ha’Penny Rhubarb is a refreshing, distinctively pink small batch pot distilled gin featuring the finest rhubarb alongside thirteen expertly selected botanicals. Named after the iconic Ha’Penny Bridge in Dublin, the Ha’Penny range features geranium, dandelion, lavender and blackberry – all botanicals which would have been growing in the nearby Phoenix Park in Victorian times when the bridge was built.
We differentiate our Ha’Penny Rhubarb Gin through a natural distillation approach, avoiding any artificial colouring and flavouring. We take our standard Ha’Penny Gin off the stills and bring it back to a full-strength bottling ABV of 40% with the juice from freshly pressed rhubarb.
Tasting Notes: Fresh rhubarb bouquet with discernible notes of juniper and citrus followed by subtle hints of botanical spice. Initially fresh rhubarb with a bright botanical mix, rounding to a pleasant classic resinous juniper-forward gin. The finish is a silky palate with a lingering crisp and fresh rhubarb finish.
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