Beefeater London Dry Gin 750ml


One London distillery, nine stills and as many botanicals make The World’s Most Awarded Gin, under the supervision of the world’s most experienced Master Distiller, Desmond Payne.

A quintessential London Dry Gin, Beefeater has a remarkably clean flavour, with a bold juniper character that is balanced with strong notes of citrus.

Based on Founder, James Burrough’s original 19th century recipe, the botanicals in Beefeater London Dry are steeped for 24 hours prior to distillation resulting in a complex, yet perfectly balanced gin of depth & integrity.

With over 200 years’ distilling heritage, Beefeater Gin was born and bred in the heart of London, where it remains today, as the only historic dry gin still distilled in the city.

Juniper, Lemon peel, Seville orange peel, Almond, Angelica root, Angelica seed, Coriander seed, Orris root, Liquorice root


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