Masi Costasera Contemporary Art Vert 1998
The “Costasera Contemporary Art” project, held biennially, involves the selection of an internationally famous artist, with origins in a country linked to Masi and its wines, who then has the task of producing a work of art dedicated to Masi’s iconic Costasera Amarone wine.
The result is then reproduced on a selection of bottles of Costasera from a particularly fine vintage. At the end of the project, the artist chooses a young art student, who is sponsored by Masi to come to Italy to study at a centre of artistic excellence.
The Ernst Billgren label is to be found on 3,500 bottles of Costasera Amarone, 1998 vintage.
Proud, majestic, complex and exuberant: this is Masi’s gentle giant. A benchmark for the Amarone category, which, together with Barolo and Brunello, makes up the aristocracy of the Italian wine world.
The product of Masi’s unrivalled expertise in the appassimento technique, whereby traditional grapes for the Valpolicella Classica area – Corvina, Rondinella and Molinara – are laid out on bamboo racks to concentrate their aromas during the winter months.
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The product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product. We are unable to guarantee any specific vintages displayed.